Saturday, 28 September 2013

Learning about Inclusiveness - SLA Positive Work Culture Training Programmes in Chennai

Inclusiveness is the ability to get along well with any type of crowd or people in an office atmosphere. In today's work atmosphere people not only want to get along with their own team members but they should get along with members from other departments also. They should get along with people with different mother tongue with different behavior and customs.

In today's globalised environment, it is necessary to get along and include people from other countries also. Companies conduct a lot of training programs to build inclusion in their organizations. Sometimes, they will prefer to hire a candidate who is atleast familiar with the term inclusiveness.

Though we practise it in our day-to-day life, many may not be aware of the term inclusiveness. When you are a programmer, you can just look at your computer and keep working on code. But, if you are a team leader you need to manage people from diverse backgrounds, skill levels, and talent pool. So, inclusion will be very necessary as you grow up the career ladder.

Softlogic is rated as best Oracle training Institute in Chennai

SLA IT Employment Training company teaches its students about the importance of inclusiveness. For more details visit SLA Positive Work Culture Training Programmes in Chennai or dial (91) 86818 84318

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Tips for Effectively Networking with Other People - SLA Offers Soft Skills Techniques & Training in Chennai

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Networking is as important as work in the corporate environment. Let us look at few methods will help you to network effectively anywhere and in any place.

Smile: This is such a simple, basic rule, yet people just don't think about it. They're so focused on needing to network at a conference that they don't realize they're walking around with a scowl on their face. Scowling, serious, expressions are forbidding. People are more likely to warm up to someone who says good morning with a broad smile than they are to someone with a dour countenance.

Ask a question: Joining a group engaged in conversation can be awkward. The best way to do so is to pose a question to the group after getting the gist of the conversation. You build your credibility by asking a question, and for a shy person, that's a much easier way to engage than by barging in with an opinion.

Say the person's name: People like to hear their own name. Dale Carnegie's basic principles says that a person's name is the sweetest sound to that person. So when you meet someone, use his name in conversation. Doing so makes the other person feel more comfortable, like you really know him and he knows you.

To know many more soft skills techniques enroll at SLA IT Employment Training Company. For more details visit SLA Soft Skills Techniques & Training in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

How to Resolve Conflict at Work? - SLA Soft Skills Training Programme in Chennai

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Conflict is very common in office environments. When deadlines are tight, customer satisfaction has to be met, then there are bound to be conflicts. Let us look at few suggestions for conflict resolution. 
Suggestions for Conflict Resolution:

1. Start with the points you all agree on. This sets a positive foundation of agreement to build upon.
2. Can you all agree that the outcome you want is for the highest good of everyone concerned?
3. Are you willing, if necessary, to set aside your personal interests for the highest good of everyone concerned?
4. Can you allow yourself to admit you are wrong? And/or admit that you hadn’t seen the situation from the other person’s point of view?
5. Are you speaking from wisdom or from self-centered ego?
6. Do you want to be right, or be happy?
7. Before starting a conflict resolution be at peace within yourself. If you are at peace you are more likely to manifest a positive outcome.

At SLA IT Employment Training Company, we groom students to resolve conflict and communicate effectively. For more details visit SLA Soft Skills Training Programme in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Tips to Pass Verbal Reasoning Test - SLA Aptitude Skills Training in Chennai

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Aptitude tests will be used in many companies to select freshers. If you know few tips to pass the verbal reasoning exam, you will be successful in the exams.

Find out how many minutes per questions you have. This can be done by doing a quick calculation in your head before the exam even starts. Simply divide the number of questions you have by the time allocated and you’ll have a guide as to how long you should be aiming to spend on each question. Don’t worry if you don’t finish the exam though, accuracy is more important than speed so work quickly and carefully but don’t rush with wild guesses to catch up with the clock.

Skim read the paragraph. Make sure you skim read the paragraph before reading the questions so you have an idea of what the passage relates to. There will be typically be anywhere between three and five questions per paragraph so it’s reasonable to spend 20 seconds quickly reading the paragraph before attempting the questions.

SLA IT Employment Training Company trains you in aptitude skills along with technical skills. So, you are ready to face the aptitude tests confidently. For more details visit SLA Aptitude Skills Training in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Top Soft Skills Employers Search for? - SLA Soft Skills Training in Chennai

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In today's work economy a slacker is not appreciated. An employee with good soft skills is preferred over someone with good technical skills. There are few soft skills that are rated above others. Let us look at few such skills.

Behavioral skills' can sometimes take precedence over technical skills. Employers look for smart and intelligent individuals who exhibit passion to do something different with technology.

There are top three skills that employers look for. The first would be integrity. This is of utmost importance. The second would be accountability, and the third would be how self-critical the individual is. Employers push employees to be self-critical, which can help them achieve personal excellence.

Sometimes, most managers rank the ability to prioritize as most important. An average worker might prioritize their projects based on the order they were given – first in, first out. Or they’ll skip from project to project, depending on which project leaders scream the loudest.

However, you will enjoy more career success if you’re able to look at your projects and know which are most important as you are moving through them. This requires understanding how each project maps to the company’s goals. It requires having a good grasp of the business you’re in. It requires the ability to ask the right questions and offer solutions. It requires the ability to manage your manager’s expectations.

There are many ways to improve soft skills. SLA IT Employment Training Company teaches how to improve your soft skills along with technical skills. For more details visit SLA Soft Skills Training in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) - Network Operating Remote Access Systems Training in SLA Chennai

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Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is a simple authentication protocol in which the user name and password is sent to the remote access server in a plaintext (unencrypted) form. Using PAP is strongly discouraged because your passwords are easily readable from the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) packets exchanged during the authentication process. PAP is typically used only when connecting to older UNIX-based remote access servers that do not support more secure authentication protocols.
  • You cannot use Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) if PAP is used to authenticate the connection.
  • If the connection is configured to require a secured password and you attempt to connect to a server that is configured only for PAP, the Windows XP remote access client terminates the connection.
  • PAP provides a simple method for a remote node to establish its identity using a two-way handshake. After the PPP link establishment phase is complete, a username and password pair is repeatedly sent by the remote node across the link (in clear text) until authentication is acknowledged, or until the connection is terminated.
  • PAP is not a secure authentication protocol. Passwords are sent across the link in clear text and there is no protection from playback or trial-and-error attacks. The remote node is in control of the frequency and timing of the login attempts.
There are many more such protocols in the networking field. Are you curious to learn more. Then SLA IT Employment Training Company may be a good choice. For more details visit SLA ChennaiSLA Networking Training in Chennaior dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Responding to Feedback - Softskills Courses/Programs Training in SLA Chennai

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How you respond or react to feedback is very important in an organisation. You must introspect on how you react to feedback. In organisations, people skills mostly come into the picture when there is feedback given -- be it for an idea, an executed project or a presentation. You are judged by the way you respond to feedback.

Do you get defensive?

Do you insist you were right?

Do you meekly accept criticism?

Remember, people tend to be judged and stereotyped according to their responses. You will, too.

While responding to feedback is one side of the coin, giving feedback is the other side. How good are you at critiquing?

Are you aggressive? Pessimistic? Do you believe in constructive criticism? Or prefer to be the yes-man?

There are many more such soft skills that you need to develop when you work in an organisation. At SLA IT Employment Training Company, we teach soft skills along with technical skills. For more details visit SLAJobs T Nagar Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.