Monday, 16 September 2013

Top Soft Skills Employers Search for? - SLA Soft Skills Training in Chennai

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In today's work economy a slacker is not appreciated. An employee with good soft skills is preferred over someone with good technical skills. There are few soft skills that are rated above others. Let us look at few such skills.

Behavioral skills' can sometimes take precedence over technical skills. Employers look for smart and intelligent individuals who exhibit passion to do something different with technology.

There are top three skills that employers look for. The first would be integrity. This is of utmost importance. The second would be accountability, and the third would be how self-critical the individual is. Employers push employees to be self-critical, which can help them achieve personal excellence.

Sometimes, most managers rank the ability to prioritize as most important. An average worker might prioritize their projects based on the order they were given – first in, first out. Or they’ll skip from project to project, depending on which project leaders scream the loudest.

However, you will enjoy more career success if you’re able to look at your projects and know which are most important as you are moving through them. This requires understanding how each project maps to the company’s goals. It requires having a good grasp of the business you’re in. It requires the ability to ask the right questions and offer solutions. It requires the ability to manage your manager’s expectations.

There are many ways to improve soft skills. SLA IT Employment Training Company teaches how to improve your soft skills along with technical skills. For more details visit SLA Soft Skills Training in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

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