Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Tips to Pass Verbal Reasoning Test - SLA Aptitude Skills Training in Chennai

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Aptitude tests will be used in many companies to select freshers. If you know few tips to pass the verbal reasoning exam, you will be successful in the exams.

Find out how many minutes per questions you have. This can be done by doing a quick calculation in your head before the exam even starts. Simply divide the number of questions you have by the time allocated and you’ll have a guide as to how long you should be aiming to spend on each question. Don’t worry if you don’t finish the exam though, accuracy is more important than speed so work quickly and carefully but don’t rush with wild guesses to catch up with the clock.

Skim read the paragraph. Make sure you skim read the paragraph before reading the questions so you have an idea of what the passage relates to. There will be typically be anywhere between three and five questions per paragraph so it’s reasonable to spend 20 seconds quickly reading the paragraph before attempting the questions.

SLA IT Employment Training Company trains you in aptitude skills along with technical skills. So, you are ready to face the aptitude tests confidently. For more details visit SLA Aptitude Skills Training in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

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