Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The MCSM - Microsoft Certified Solutions Master Certification Courses Training in Chennai

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MCSE and MCSD certifications are prerequisites for some of the Microsoft Certified Solutions Master (MCSM) certifications. These certifications better prepare you to pursue an MCSM certification by validating the full range of skills and abilities required to be successful at building technology solutions. MCSE and MCSD certifications also validate more difficult skills than the Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) and help to bridge the gap between the MCITP and the level of knowledge required for Master-level certifications.

Microsoft Certified Solutions Master (MCSM) certifications validate skills that are deeper and broader than those validated by MCM certifications, skills that are required to build solutions both on-premises and in the cloud. Microsoft added recertification requirements to ensure that IT professionals who hold our certifications are up-to-date on our continually evolving technology. MCSM certifications require recertification every three years.

SLA Employment Training Company in Chennai conducts training for MCSM certification. Join SLA now! For more details visit SLA Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

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